What does flexible learning mean to me when using project based learning with Youth guarantee.
We have to be indeed flexible with this concept,a lot of these guys were disengaged with the school system, they didn't come to poly tech to follow the same formula as school.That is why because of the style/type of learner we introduced them to project based learning where they learn all the different facets of engineering and automotive but they don't have a lot of theory and paper work.They do literacy and numeracy throughout the day even though we disguise it in a manner in that they are busy working.(measuring,calculating,using digital readouts and equipment,pricing up of components for projects,etc).If we sat them down in a classroom and loaded them up with lots of theory then we would not be as successful as we are now with this type of learner, project base really works with these guys.You can then introduce them to the theory after you have applied the practical.
I really like your cunning plan - getting the students to engage with literacy and numeracy in disguise. The application of these skills is so much better than getting them to sit and listen to theoretical concepts that have no relevance. Project-based learning is a favourite of mine.
ReplyDeleteYou may be interested in this 2003 report: The project method in vocational training
One of the factors they claim is important relates to self-directed learning. How do you support and guide students to become good at doing this?
Indeed Bronwyn i agree with the self directed learning, where us trainers become (knowledge transmitters)i love it!.We indeed use this system where all students work in teams and are each given tasks, firstly we underpin the knowledge for the first eight weeks where students individually complete their individual projects(some are better than others) we then divide into teams where we help with decision making and look how each daily team is dividing its tasks out to each team member.They write each task on the white board and when each one is done it is removed and another task is given to the team member.This keeps the team strong and motivated as they see the project take shape.We find that underpinning the knowledge firstly and then dividing into team members next helps create bonding as they know one anothers strengths/weaknesses.This works in all teamwork and is ideal in PBL.